Archive | July, 2019

Not a Blog Not a Poem: Just Some Shit

8 Jul

I never wanted a spouse.

I just wanted someone to check me on my nonsense.

Love my Kid from where they stand.

Bring me food and wine, and leave me alone to enjoy it on my bad days.

Gossip with me.

Help me work on my flaws.

Teach me what I don’t know.

Put a spotlight on my talent.

Redirect my attention when I’m having an anxiety attack.

Show me what I’ve never seen.

Ignore the fact that I’ve lost my eyebrows to threading.

Go to a Brazilian jazz show with me.

Laugh at the bullshit with me.

Rein me in when I’m ready to jump off the deep end.

Not delete my Sims game that I haven’t played in 6 months.

Let me know when my breath is hot.

Take me to a hockey game.

STFU when I’m pissed.

Remember what I forget.

And let me do all the same in return without involving the government.

Your word is good enough for me.

Mine should be good enough for you.